Monday, December 2, 2013

Shake it Shake it Shake it dont stop!

Today is all about Boy here's another... That Boy has always been a mover and and a he did front flips just about every waking moment... well now we know he was practicing flip turns for swim... those flip turns made his mother (ME) uncomfortable... constantly... so when I had had enough I would stand feet hip width apart and shake my belly like a go-go dancer while chanting "Shaken Baby Syndrome" ...I suppose it stunned him, because he'd stop flipping for a few minutes... My daddy HATED when I did that, hed say "Stop doing that you are gonna make that boy a fool" ... 2 seconds ago · Cincinnati, OH

The Miracle of Birth

12-2-13 today is Spen2s 11th birthday... I thought I would take some time to regale you with stories surrounding the circumstances of his birth... Which is pretty funny given I had be deemed unable to conceive @1992... So, in January 2002 I am sitting in the Este Conference Center @ Sunday Morning Worship Service with New Beginning Covenant Church. Pastor Teresa was on FIRE that day...I believe that that sermon topic may have been "2002, Its Your year!" I accepted that thing and believed it. What it meant to me was that in 2002 our business, Cuisines Catering, was going to BLOW UP in 2002... see, the business was my baby! You will soon understand why I always say "God has Jokes". January went well. My friend Jeff Harris helped me land a big contract that I'd coveted for years... we were balling shot --calling... then March... boom we hit a wall. In April, my beloved Grandmother, Blanche Teresa Taggart (ala Blanche's All-Butter Pound Cake) had a stroke ...she passed away... I was devastated.. and I was SICK... Every piece of fried chicken someone brought by the house was clearly old or too greasy... I drank ginger ale after ginger ale, but I was still sick. I get home to Cincinnati I am still sick ... clearly its me...Im thinking, I know its April, but, I have the FLU... I call my sister, Cheryl Wilson, the nurse BS-RN to be exact. She wasnt convinced I had the flu... she says "Jackie, do me a favor, before you go to the doctor, take a pregnancy test...they are going to probably make you take one anyway"... Aaargh, resentful. I go buy the dang thing...the Walgreens brand...the cheapest one on the shelf. One thing a woman unable to conceive doesnt want to invest in is a reminder that she is, in fact, unable to conceive. I Go home, take the test... before I can sit it on the counter... POSITIVE... what?? Now that just made me really mad.. If you can make a pregnancy test have a false positive, you have SERIOUS issues... I tell my mother...Im sobbing, shes laughing... I said "this cheap test, false positive, just makes me feel bad" .. She shows up 15minutes later (thats my mama) with a bag full of EXPENSIVE EPT... One after the other... positive. Now I am nervous. When Spencer comes home, I dont even say anything... Hes watching the game in the basement... I go down and say... hey, look at this... show him 3 positive sticks. These things say I am pregnant....his response...clasic Spencer... "No SHI@??!!" Fast forward defying ALL odds I deliver a PERFECT 8 lb 5oz baby boy on 12/2/02 at 1:31pm. So now its January 2003, I am in the Estes Center with Spen2 is in his little pumpkin seat on the floor... Pastor T says "its Your Year"... I was surly thought to myself "thats what you said last year, and my business is in shambles right now... worse than ever" THEN GOD SAID.... "Who ever said anything about your business? I said 2002 was your year...that you were going to be blessed beyond measure.... AND LOOK WHAT I HAVE DONE!!!!" He caused my eyes to look down upon my most FABULOUS son....Perfect in every way.... At that moment I repented and realized the meaning of the scripture that says Gods ways are not our ways.... translation: "Gods Got Jokes" Happy Birthday, my son, 2002 was definitely MY year, and every single one since... Mommy loves you! (yep, I dont care if hes nearly as tall as me and that is voice is changing....Im still his mommy, hhhmph)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

KID FREE does not equal STRESS FREE

So, the last 30 hours...

Spen2 spent the night at my sisters (you know, the RN?? Cheryl Wilson)... because he was out late with friends at Kings Island and got dropped off there at 10:30pm.  He awakens with an EARACHE... huh? This kid is a healthy as an ox...unless there's something big going on... guess what? There's something BIG going on.  You see, he'd been invited to go on vacation to Lake Sunapee in NH with a friend from school.  Eight days on the lake boating, fishing, swimming... just paradise... flight leaves at 1:30pm...TODAY.   The NURSE suggests we take him to the doctor --to be safe.  I'm at work. My mother takes him to the doctor ... he's put on antibiotics as a precaution and given ear drops...he's going to be okay... MAY have infection but he can fly...its all good.  Mom gets him on the drugs right away... I pick him up last evening...he's OK...he says it still hurts but otherwise he feels fine.  Feed him, medicate him, put him to bed for a good nights rest.  He's going to be great in the morning, right? WRONG!  Wake him up at 7 to give him the meds so he can lay back down after... HES in P-A-I-N.... he's in tears...he tells me I need to call the family he's going on vacation with and tell him he cant make it.... Did I mention that THEY picked up ALL of the expenses.... YIKES...that's horrible.  BUT if I send him and he gets worse, I'm going to be on an expensive last minute flight to New Hampshire to get my boy.... Where is New Hampshire anyway...can you drive there? Is it an island? Don't you have to take a boat to get there?  Anyway. I don't even have time to go all Granny Clampitt and make an Onion Poultice....or a Garlic paste... I call the doctor.  He's not panicked until I remind him that he has a FLIGHT...and I am not even going on the trip.   LONG STORY SHORT.... ER at Children's Hospital Liberty Township is the BOMB!  Dr. Bradley Jacksons Pediatrics is the BOMB...Drugs are AMAZING... The family he is travelling with is THE BOMB.... I am going to take a nap...then I am going to post KID FREE WEEK is the BOMB... maybe a nap and some anxiety medication..  THANK YOU GOD... cant believe another miracle healing pulled off!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Nap Time

I just picked up the boy and we had a conversation ...thought you would enjoy this one.  Me: I sure could stand a nap right now
Spen2:  I could always stand a nap
Me: NOT true... you NEVER took naps as a baby/toddler/little person.... as a matter of fact you Dropped out of a pre-school after ONE day because of their napping policy.
Spen2:  Oh yeah, I remember that.

So here's what happened y'all.  I did all of this research and finally found a pre-school that I thought worthy of my boy and his talents.   We (his daddy and I) decided that he needed PRE SCHOOL and not daycare.   I take him for a "trial day"-- a few hours...the boy says he likes it.  

I take him for his first day of "school"... Drop him off.   He's having a blast!  Loves the place....until... NAP TIME... they tell him its nap time...screech..... Drop the Mic

He says "I don't take naps" 

They tell he has to...he tells them

"No, I will just go home then... Call my momma"...

They refused to call me.... From that moment on, he was DONE with the place.  My mother picks him up at 3:45 (SHE decided that 3:30 was long enough --even though I paid for the WHOLE DAY)... She asks if he had fun.  In front of the Director of the Pre-School and all of his little friends he made before naptime, he says "I not go back" 

He was 3yrs old.  Told his grandmother he wasn't going back, because he didn't like it.  His grandmother... my feisty mother... calls me-- on my job --and tells me that I need to find another option because he "doesn't like it"...seriously?  Since when is he the boss??!...

So, I get home.  He tells me he's not going back.  I tell him he IS in fact going back.   We go around... I think he gets it.  He then proceeds to tell me that they don't do "Sh@T" at the school.  I said... did you just say "sh@t"?  He looks at me WAY too innocently and says... yes.  I said "where did you learn that word?..."they taught me at SCHOOL".... This kid is BRILLIANT...but, I didn't fall for it.  I tell him I don't care if they taught him that word or not...he was, in fact, going back, because I had paid my money.   If he said the word again he was going back with a sore behind. 

Think he gave up there?  Oh no.  This was not long after we had FINALLY weaned him off of the pacifier (which he called a Ba-Ba).... A few minutes later he proceeds to tell me that he didn't like the place because they made him take a nap and suck a Ba-Ba.... RIGHT!!! He made all of that up...  This is when I started realizing that he might be a genius and I needed to be on full alert at all times.  "Spencer, are you saying they made you use a pacifier?"  "yes, I told them I didn't want to, but they said I was a Baby and needed one"...

Yep, that happened.   So you want to know how it turned out??... well, HE won....HOW?  I want you to know to this day I haven't figured out how he did it, but somehow, that night he spiked a fever of 103... he was fevered...with NO other symptoms (except lethargy) for THREE DAYS... that's Tues/Wed/Thur...then you have to be fever free for 24 hrs in order to go back to school.... that took care of the week.  

On Thursday MY grandmother calls me and tells me that I need not take that baby back to that school if he hated it so much that it made him sick.....

Yeah, that happened!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Clank Heard Round the World

Yesterday Spen2 made me so proud at his baseball game, not only by being an incredible athlete, but by approaching the Throne of Grace for a friend.   Spen2 has a little friend at the fancy private school, let's just call him Hadeem (I just made that up, is that even a real name?).   Hadeem is about 4ft 8in tall and weighs about, i dont know, 70lbs.   He's a little bitty little fella. 
As far as I can tell Hadeem is bright, brilliant even, but he can't catch or hit.---  By the way, he can't shoot basketball either, but I digress. 
Last week, after his glorious save, he got to thinking about what a miserable game Hadeem had: Struck out 4X, dropped 3-4 balls that came to him.  He just looked like the Captain of the Bad News Bears!  Spencer started thinking that it wasn't fair that he had done so well when Hadeem was miserable.  He told me that he wished Hadeem had more confidence.  He said that "Hadeem  is a much better Athlete than he thinks he is". 
Fast forward to yesterday.  The team was down by 8 in the bottom of the 6th.  The bats come alive, the other teams pitching is thing you know, the move ahead run is at third.  Spen2 is at 2nd.  Again, I SEE him praying -I think he is thanking God for HIS hit and RBI- Hadeem is at bat. Coach Eddies just talking him thru it "follow thru with your hips, don't swing if it's eye level, keep your elbows up, keep your knees bent". The pitcher releases. Hadeem swings that bat with everything he's got and CLANK!  That was a solid line drive to the outfield!  
Hadeem drove in the winning run! 
When Spen2 came in he was soooo excited.  Not just because the team won, but because all that time his mouth was moving on 2nd base, he was praying for Hadeem!!!!  
Thank you Father!  If I never do anything else in my life, I know this, I have encouraged a child to pray and created, therefore a MIGHTY MAN of GOD. 
Ha! So my family does a daily prayer text message.  No one is exempt.   Spen2 had prayer this morning and this is what he sent....un-retouched.
2 Corinthians 10:17-18 ()
17 Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. 18 For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.
Ok so i think I know what this means. Do not be "cocky" unless you do it in th lord. Everything you do is not you but The Lord showing favor and blessing in you. Lord thank you for all you do. Thank you for strength health and extra like brilliance and athletisim. I can't do what I do without you and there's no way I can make it without you. We want to pray for the entire healing of uncle John and to keep the family healthy and brilliant. In Jesus name amen from spen2

Its Been a While

So what happened to me since my last post..... Holy mackerel, what didn't happen!  I will eventually go back and catch you all up on the in between stuff, some of which was quite amusing..... But, for now, how about I just cover the last couple of weeks. 

Right after Memorial Day I found a green pea sized lump in my left breast.  No biggie, I have fibrocystic breast.  I find a lump, I call the amazing Dr jennifer Manders, she gets me in, does an ultrasound, says its a cyst, asks if its bothering me a lot. If I say yes, she aspirates, if I say no, I go home. Simple.  

Not this time.

This time, its solid.  Insert sad face.  This time we need to do a needle biopsy.  Insert titanium clip...  Okay, that is uncomfortable, I leave with what looks like a cast on my left breast.  Call back in a week.  

A week goes by.  I forgot to call back, because I've done this a few time.   Then I get a call.  Well , Jackie,  this is a little different "atypical lobular hyperplasia".  We need to do an excisional biopsy.  We need to get it out to make sure there is nothing sinister hiding behind it.   I'm at the hospital on Tuesday, let's do it then.   

Okay.   Will I need to take the day off of work?.... Seriously, that is what I asked.  She suggested that I be really good to myself and take the following day as well.  Awesome, good idea, I can take Spen2 and his boyz to Kings Island..... I'm psyched!  

Days later the hospital calls, they tell me I need to have pre-op testing.   'Oh no, I'm just having a biopsy."

"Right, a lumpectomy, I see that.   We will need for you to have a physical none the less"

OK...side note, I've been avoiding my PCP for a couple of years since he challenged me to lose 10 pounds....

I go in for the pre-op on a day when my doctor is on vacation.  His partner doesn't even touch me.    That is my kind of doctor!    He doesn't ask about my weight.  He doesn't make a note.   He signs off on the paperwork while telling me about the boyscout camp he's going to lead the next week.   Done.   He doesn't even ask if I have any questions.

That afternoon the hospital calls back and gives me instructions.  Don't eat after midnight-- who does?  Don't take any aspirin for a week--- too late!  Be at the hospital at 7am---huh? My procedure isn't until 9.... We need to get you prepped and changed.  Who will be driving you home? --- uh, ME.   Oh no way.   You will be put into a twilight sleep via anesthesia, you will not be permitted to drive for 24 hours----me, calculating what time we can leave for Kings Island...OK, my sister or my mother, probably.   Ms Boyd, you will be required to have a driver to be released----okay okay, I got it.  

I arrive at the hospital on the day of the procedure to a flurry of activity.  Take off your clothes--- you mean my shirt and bra?   No, all of your clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair clips..... anything removable in your mouth-like a retainer? No.. Anything removable in your eyes---I'm giggling, picturing Sammy Davis Jr popping his eyeball out at this point.

The anesthesiologist arrives and sees the IV is active (which I figure was for fluids) and asks if I would like something to help me relax----do I look tense?   Me--No, but how about some coffee?!

The amazing Dr Manders arrives.  I immediately inform her that all of these people are acting like I am having"real" surgery.   She asks what I think I am having.... My response.."a procedure"...   "What ever makes you happy, Jackie".   

I figure I may have insulted her a little.  Not considering this as "real" surgery, discounted her status as a "real" surgeon.   This lump was the size of a green pea.  She's going to take something like an exacto knife make a quarter inch slit, pop it out and off I go!

So, I roll into the OR wide awake.... Look around and there are 12 people in the room!

"Who are all of these people??????".  They all started speaking at once.   One person is putting some inflation devices on my legs....I know what these are for....

"Hey, geez, how long are you expecting me to be in here?"

"Do you all realize that you are all speaking at once?  I can't understand..". And OUT.....that's the last thing I remember.

An hour later I awaken with a three inch wound,  another boob cast and one big Dolly Parton boob.

Let's just say the next day was not spent at Kings Island.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Have a Heart Attack

I have decided that one sure fire way to make certain that you have heart trouble in your latter years is to give birth to an athlete.
Saturday was the first game of the 2013 Baseball Season at the fancy private school. After four, count them, four, intense (intense as in NOT) practices ... The Coach/Dad thinks the team is ready. I suppose they are as ready as fancy private school athletes get, I guess.
Practice season got cut a little short since there's a two week Spring Break at the fancy private school. No way you could submit your kid to that last six weeks of the fifth grade on just a one week break. That would be just mean!  Geez, guys you'd have to choose between skiing in Colorado or going to Europe. There's almost no way you could do both.  At least not flying commercially!  But I digress.
Back to the game Saturday......
By some miraculous turn of events, our boys are up by 6 going into the 6th and final inning.  The pitcher, the boy's nemesis, is starting to lose his luster.  He allows three runs and then loads the bases.
lets take a side trip for those of you that are unfamiliar with fifth grade baseball:  
See, there is very little good pitching, hitting or fielding going on at the fifth grade level.  Typically, what happens is that the pitcher walks a batter. Then the batter steals 2nd base --because these boys cant catch the coaches wont even allow them to try to pick a base runner off.  The runner then proceeds to steal third....then the next batter strikes out swinging at balls that are way over his head, but the third "strike pitch" is so dang wild that the catcher cant handle it (read, it didn't land square in the glove--insert eye roll) it hits the backstop.  While the catcher is frantically trying to recover the ball, the kid on third base steals home!   That's how runs are made in 5th grade baseball.
Back to Saturday.  The bases are now loaded.  The winning run is on 1st base.  Coach decides we need a new pitcher (really??)  So, who gets the call? Spen2 called off 1st base to pitch.... 1st game of the season, only four practices, bases loaded, only brown kid on the team (one... of two on the field, the opposing team -another fancy private school- had one, also). 
I move my folding "mommy chair" to right behind home plate.  I am eyeball to eyeball with my kid.  I know the game rest on me.  I must encourage each and every pitch out of this kid. I have heart palpitations... my hands are numb, what does that mean???
Spen2 allows two runs. I see his mouth moving, he closes his eyes, opens them and looks skyward...ooh, that's my boy, he's PRAYING! 
Then schwoop, strike one....
Schwoop, strike two. This is it. One more strike and its over....
He winds up and releases a beautiful pitch, which the batter nailed, CLANK!...  The ball was hit right back at Spencer!  The ball takes a bounce, and Spencer by instinct alone, snatched the ball on the bounce with his bare hand, spun around, threw it to first base....
Yeah boy!  Now that's my boy....
My right eye is twitching, but at least my hands aren't numb anymore!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Education is KEY

I sat in Valvoline Instant Oil Change today and had a moment of absolute clarity.  I nudged the boy to take off his Ipod headset to hear the wisdom I was about to impart.  Here it is.."Education is KEY.  You have got to be well educated and you must be open to change and grow."  Here's why.  That oil change job and the manager of that Oil Change shop, will not exist by the time you buy your first car.   Who will do it then.... YOU.. with the help of a machine. 

This Country, this world even, is going down a path of no return.  Customer Service jobs are becoming more obsolete by the day.   I began to have some real flashback moments and gave him a brief history lesson. 

When I was Spen2's age there were GROWN MEN that worked at Service (or Filling) Stations.  These GROWN MEN pumped gas, checked the pressure in your tires, check your oil levels and the cleanliness thereof.  These GROWN MEN rotated tires if necessary, fixed flats, CLEANED your, I am getting all nostalgic.   Ladies coming home from work in suits and pumps didn't have to get out of a car in blinding rain or snow or inclimate weather of any kind and handle the germy nozzle of a gas pump.  WOW... that really existed and I remember it well.   

When I was Spen2s age, there were young adults that made a living wage bagging groceries.  Down South some of these young people even took the groceries out and put them in your trunk for you.  Here's one that really shows my historical perspective;  some of these folks would walk or ride their bikes to your house and personally deliver the groceries you had picked out.   REAL JOB.

When I was Spen2s age, there was a man that owned a farm.  Every morning he would load up his truck with fresh fruits and vegetables and drive throughout the neighborhood letting people know of the kinds of fresh produce he had available that day.  People would flag down his truck and make purchases. 

When I was Spen2s age, there was a telephone OPERATOR.  You called this operator to help you dial out to different area codes and countries. When you called a business during business hours, a HUMAN BEING answered the telephone.

When I was Spen2's age, there were car washes run by PEOPLE.  These, GROWN MEN, had buckets and towels and they would hand wash your car, put wax on it by HAND and buff it out....

When I was Spen2's age, executives, managers, folks of importance had SECRETARIES.... oh wow, remember that?  Secretaries answered phones, typed letters, took dictation, made coffee and in general freed up the executives, manager, folks of general importance to EXECUTE, MANAGE and be IMPORTANT, all while working an eight hour day and getting home in time to have dinner with their families at a reasonable hour. 

Elevator Operators, Doormen, Shoe Shiners... Gone, Gone, Gone.

So, young people, you can believe that I am just O-L-D and things are just as they always will be.  Or you can believe me when I say that you better get those books and be nimble because sure as I sit here in the Valvoline Instant Oil Change today.... 10 years from now, YOU will be your very own "oil change" guy and the "oil change" guy will be the "you got any spare change" guy.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The fine line between Genius and Insanity

I have an intricate system set up to retrieve the boy from the fancy private school on a daily basis.  It takes a village they say.  In our village, everyone has a pick up day.  

See, the boy is just barely IN the fancy private school.  If it weren't for his dad's years of hard work and a very generous scholarship, well there would be no private school.... especially not a FANCY one. Of course, he'd be just two years from High school graduation, since all that the public schools could come up with for a kid with Spen2's genius level was to "skip" him every other year.  Anyway, there is NO money for the fancy private school's after care program.  

Friday was Camille's day (you got a license, you get a day)... She gets there, no boy.   She finds his teacher.... She's informed that Spen2 went home with the Smith Family (names have been changed to protect the insanely rich).

My mother calls me in a panic.  Leaves a message, "I need you to call me right away".  That never happens.   When she tells me what's going on, I find the number with haste and call the Smith family.   I get the, surely you knew that the Smith family would have a nanny.   Nanny Smith is frazzled by my call.   The Mrs told her that this was all handled.  The Mrs said she had spoken to me.   Yes, Master Spencer was there, he, another child from the fancy private school were enjoying some of Chef finest after school snacks.   Of course they were. 

The nanny passes along the request that Spencer be permitted to spend the night with Young Master Smith as they hand a plethora of fun activities planned for the night.   Not wanting to deprive my son of a night in, what he refers to as, PARADISE, I consent.   Don't have to send a thing.  They have extras of everything.  Skis, boots, swim trunks, baseball gloves.... Whatever size you need.... In the 'mudroom'.

I go out for a Grown Up dinner with a friend.  Get home and get comfortable.  About midnight the madness begins.  I get a text from my GENIUS son that says,

"what's your credit card number? I wanna get something in "Clash of Clans" and I need gems and I will pay you back later and I need the security code".   I didn't even respond.

Fine line between Genius and Insanity.  What is wrong with him???

Friday, April 5, 2013

Blanche's All Butter Pound Cakes by 3 Couzins Baking

On Wednesday my son calls me after my mother picks him up from the fancy private school.  "Mom, I sold a cake today"

Back Story:
My grandmother, Blanche Teresa Taggart, could sho nuff cook.  On top of that, there was always dessert.  One of her specialties was Pound Cake. When my husband and I owned a catering business, she gave me the recipe for the pound cake.  It became known as "Blanche's All-Butter Pound Cake".  We sold hundreds of them during the holidays.  

Fast forward and my husband dies.  People do weird things when they lose loved ones.  I baked (and crocheted --but that's another blog) and cooked.   I was even bold enough to tweak my Grandmothers perfect recipe.   Turns out it wasn't perfect.... but NOW it is!   We made so many cakes that all of the kids in my family can make the pound cake on their own.  

The Pound Cake making became therapy, for everyone.  We made cakes every weekend.  If someone got a promotion, we made them a cake.  Someone lost a loved one, we made them a cake.  Someone gave us tickets to an event, we made them a cake.

When the holidays approached the first year that Spen2 attended the fancy private school, money was not in a happy place.  As a matter of fact, it was sad... very, very sad.  The options for gifts for his teachers became limited.   I was deciding whether to give NOTHING or a $5 Graeter's Gift Card when pound cake hit me.   So, for the last couple of years Spen2s teachers have been getting small Blanches All Butter Pound Cakes as a holiday token of appreciation.  

Back to Wednesday:

I asked him "You sold a cake to who?"  His reply  "One of my teachers asked me today if we only made cakes during the holidays and if she could get one any time. So, I told her she could get it anytime she wanted.  But this is a BUSINESS.  There is a fee for that" Screech!  He told the teacher that???   "So she asked me how much they cost.  I told her that she could buy a small one for $15 and a large one for $25"   Boom~!  That's how you launch a business.

Blanches All Butter Pound Cake by 3Couzins Bakery.  You too can have a pound cake...but this is a BUSINESS... Small $15 and Large $25.   Everyone that got one of those grieving cakes.... be prepared to pay the next time!

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Real Jackie Taggart is NOTHING like the Easter Bunny

Well, well, well, what a blessing to live to see another Holiday weekend.   Easter is THE highest of Holy Days.   You would think I would be able to control myself leading up to the High Holy days...NOT.   Shaking my head.  Listen y'all, I am for real, a nice lady.   Really.  Sometimes it just doesn't show. 

This past weekend was one of those times. 

Back story:  I didn't take off on Friday because it was the end of the month/quarter at work.  Nikita - 20yr old Sophomore at Georgetown College--majoring in Vocal Performance (yeah, really, that's a major--but, that's another blog) is coming home for Easter and bringing a friend.   Nikita is THE BEST KID IN THE WORLD...  yeah, I know what you are thinking and I have no idea how she ended up in this family either.   She brings home a friend who lives too far to just go home for the weekend.   Nikita is at the hair salon, so when I leave to take Spen2 to Easter Pageant rehearsal, so her friend, Darian, goes with us.

We get to the church and sit in a pew mid way back.   We live too far away from the church to leave a come back in an hour.  I'm not that  thrilled about listening to an hours worth of poetry recitation, but, hey, I am a mom, we make these kind of sacrifices.  The first child, a teenager, reads the "Easter Story".  The uncut version.   Listen, this story was so long, I thought they were going to have to get the paddles out for me...."Clear!... great, I think we have a pulse.... She's back". This story was so long, I am inspired to do some home bible study just to prove that some of that story HAD to be made up!

Next up, four little ones under age 4 to recite a prayer in tandem.  Horrible.   But they are just toddlers.... I guess.  I bite my lip...and keep my seat.   The next kid goes up.  While these kids have done a great job of memorizing their poems, the delivery is AWFUL. 

Now, mind you, our pastor's wife is in charge of this program.   She is sweet and kind, the consummate elementary school teacher..... She wouldn't say "shit" if she had a mouthful.   She never mention's that one kid after the other is DREADFUL.  I grab Darian's hand and squeeze, I feel her (the real Jackie Taggart) rising...'Darian, don't, let me stand up.'

One kid after another gets up with no energy, no enthusiasm, no light and mumbles some sing song mumbo jumbo without making eye contact with anything but the ceiling.   And I sat.  With a death grip in Darian's hand.   Pastors wife gives some instructions and compliments them on their work in memorizing their poems.  She appeared ready to release them.

Then it happened, the real Jackie Taggart burst out of the cage.  '"I think they need to go over that one more time.  As much as I wanted to, I couldn't understand much of what was being said.".   And with no malice or anger directed towards me for jumping the curb and getting out if my lane, pastor's wife indulged me and had them start from scratch.

'Wok wok wok wok wok wok wok wok".  Then I had an almost out of body experience.  I willed my mouth to shut, it would not.  I tried to move my legs back to my seat....they wouldn't go. 

"Pardon me, sweetie, what are you saying, boo boo?  Does anyone have a script?  Sweetie please, look at me.  Don't swallow your words.  Lift your head.  Project your voice.  Stand up straight.  Are you chewing gum???   No seriously, does anyone have any idea what he is saying?  Try that again.   Do you want to be here?  You have to say EACH word. I'm fairly certain that isn't a word.  Try it again.  I know someone has a script.   Spell it.". 

After about an hour it sounded more like "much better, just make sure you look up.   Fantastic, can you give me some facial expression.  Great, pause after you say that for impact.  Perfect, you nailed it, do it that way tomorrow."

The good news is that the kids had a flawless Easter program.  The bad news Spen2 now has a mom that the other children in our congregation  refer to as "The Cobra".  Oh well, everyone has their cross to bear.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Go ahead, take a screen shot.  You have never seen those words anywhere near my name before.  Seriously, this is a crisis I tend to generally avoid. 

Explanation, the Boy's follow up appointment with the great Camille Crawford didn't go as well as I expected.  He is still on the mend but has some "junkiness" in his right lung that requires further treatment.  It also requires REST and fluids.  Every time the poor child sits down somewhere he falls asleep.  I can not in good conscience go at our typical pace.  That would be negligent.... I guess.

If you follow the boy's coming and goings, you might be tricked into believing I am special.  Not true.  The boy is special.  What I am is .... FRIGHTENED to death to be at home alone with a little boy and all of that energy with no help absorbing any of it. 

I could end up like my friend Marjorie at work who babysits her 8yr old nephew every Saturday morning.  Poor Marjorie.  She doesn't have any children, so she is not prepared with the arsenal of weapons to keep a young man from wearing YOU down.   She plays basketball with this kid... INDOORS...then they move it OUTDOORS...then SHE fixes lunch while HE rests....whats wrong with that picture?  Marjorie works more hours than I do.  On Saturday that kid goes home with something left in his tank and she is WIPED out... NEVER I say.... NEVER.  

My goal at the beginning of each day is to still be standing when the boy is laid out!   Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail.  But, I promise you I win WAY more than I lose.   The boy actually helped me a lot as a toddler by refusing to take a nap.  He just wouldn't do it.   Eventually, I figured out that it was to my advantage.  

On a typical Saturday, I get up, exercise, make up some waffle batter and wait.  While he's sleeping I am getting myself together. When he wakes up I am fully dressed, made up and ready to roll.  You cant let a kid be sitting around relaxing while you work...that's going to be a situation down the road. 

I get him up at the last minute and make him run like HELL.   Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!   Brush your teeth in the shower, quick get dressed, pack up.  When he gets out of the shower, I load him up on waffles or pancakes... nothing invites Negritis like something with syrup on it!   Then grab a bag let's go.  The bag will have equipment for whatever game he's playing that day...typically basketball or baseball.  Off we go to the game.  When the game is over, we have to go to the cages... batting cages or to a gym to work on that hook shot... but back to back activity is always good.   Then to the grocery store...try Sam's, nothing wears them down like those concrete floors.  Go up and down ALL of the aisles.  Hey, Dhanis doing a book signing.  Let's go bake a cake and stop through.   Cyclones are in town, let's go to the game.  Let's go to Dayton, catch a Dragon's game.

At 11pm we are pulling down the drive way... He's nodding.  He'd be asleep but I won't let him go.  Every time he doses off, I ask a question he can't answer so he has to Google it.  We get in.  Hot bath.  Quick snack and at 11pm he's cooked. 

I WON!   I turn on the TV search through my recorded shows find that episode of Basketball Wives, poor a glass of wine and lay down on the divan.  

The next morning I wake up.  Full glass of wine on the end table.  Unwatched episode of Basketball Wives still cued up.  Oh well, I STILL WON!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Screenplay

Spencer made it thru the class trip to Williamsburg.   Thought today's "Boy Story" would be best as a show and tell.  On the left is Spen2 and the boys about to board the airplane..... and on the right is Spen2 and the boys coming back on Tuesday night.    If you are not laughing there is something terribly wrong with you! 

Using the AFTER photo as inspiration, Spen2 and I are writing the screen play ....

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

From the Archives--- The Birthday Story 12/2/12

10 yrs ago today, I got up, got dressed, nervous, talked to Spen1 as he left for work to manage our business then spoke to my dad about his meal plans while I was gone (in 10yrs a lot can happen--for those of you that don't know, our business closed in 2003, my father died in 2005and my husband, Spen1 died in 2007). My mother picked me up and we left for Good Sam Hospital... pulled into the parking area reserved for expecting mothers going into deliver.  I had to convince the lot attended that I was, in fact, going to give birth THAT day. Though I didn't look at all pregnant, I was. Moreover, I was uncomfortable and not leaving the hospital until someone took this child, who was clearly already in the process of perfecting his flip turns, out of me.... that was non negotiable.

I had an amnio to confirm that the lungs were fully developed. The doctor proclaimed that they were and while 3wks early it was safe to take him out.  Good deal, cuz he WAS coming out, the flip turns were brutal!

I went into pre-op, Spen1 isn't there yet. They hook me up to monitors and determine that I was having BIG contractions....I felt NOTHING...well nothing except the flip turns! Spen1 isn't there yet.

I get an epidural....Spen1 isn't there yet. Delivery time scheduled for 1pm...Spen1 rushes in at 12:44! Gets scrubbed in puts on the mandatory green gown surgical cap and mask..and proceeds to CLOWN posing for pictures... my lower body was numb so I couldn't get up and choke him! Into the OR we sister arrives just as we head out. 1:00 they make the incision. Ob/Surgeons do everything they can, but they can't get him out...they call for the head of High Risk Ob... he gets there ,scrubs in, while the 2 lil ob/surgeon docs pull from either side, he comes in and lifts the boy right out ...1:31pm then declares "that's a ten pound baby!" They wipe him off and present him to his daddy.... who declares "oh my God, he's beautiful!" Then he leans down so I can see... 
I scream "he's white!" 
Spen1 says "he's so beautiful".
I say "he's WHITE!"... he's not paying me any attention he now (and from that moment on) only had eyes for his son!

Then I smell something burning...and I kinda see some smoke... I finally ripped Spen1s attention from gazing into his sons eyes and asked
"am I on fire?" 
He looks down and gasps "damn baby that's you!"
 Now I am really pissed "you are going to let these people kill me! Go get my sister, NOW." Well, the medical professionals assure me I'm OK, the just had to cauterize and I was getting sewn up right now.

Back to recovery room. Uncle Albert had shown up with the girls Nikita and Camille...who were anxiously awaiting the arrival of there cousin.... He was given to my mother who, like Spen1 immediately became entranced... and Camille leans over her shoulder to which point mini-me proclaims
"he's cute....but why is he WHITE?"
My mom was pissed, he's not white (yes he was), he'll be just fine. Cheryl tried to make it better
"let's look at his ears, oh, hmmm they are white too!"  
They put me in a private room with my little white baby (8lbs 5oz by the way, not 10) and my mom calls our pastors, Teresa Smith and Michael Langford, and I could hear them screaming in excitement thru the phone.... my mother thought I was distracted by a nurse so she whispers something about the baby being a little "pale" but beautiful....I believe prayers started then ---prayer works!

So, here I am today, 10 years later, having travelled a very rocky road, saying. Happy Birthday, Spencer Craig Boyd II! You are a mighty little man of God. You are blessed and highly favored. Your father owns the cattle on 1000 hills so never let it be that you have not because you've asked not. Ask and it shall be given. Knock and the door will open for you. Never let fear enter your life because there is nothing too hard for God and with God all things are possible. Always remember that God loves you and so does your mommy!

More from the Archives--Spen2 and his Thug Life Friends

Presidents Day, 2013
okay its been a's your funny boy story for the week...
I don't often get a chance to reciprocate the kindness of the Stay At Homes from the fancy private school who are always inviting Spen2 to come and hang out with their kids at their homes.  When Spen2 gets a day off, I will often take it with him.   On this particular day I invited 2 of his basketball teammates from the fancy private school for Lunch (Sushi--since I'm paying) and Bowling.  

I am in the car with Spen2 and his boyz (let's just say it was a DIVERSE setting) headed downtown for sushi... I hear them talking amongst themselves about the one kid getting "jumped".  I have always been confused about what that means.  My guess is it means 2 things  #1 there was a fight... #2 you lost. So I query...
"what do you mean you got jumped?" --see this kid lives in East Walnut Hills... how do you get jumped in East Walnut Hills? Wait for it...its coming...
His response "Well I was riding bikes with my brother and these kids got off the bus" --BOOM, the bus, there it is.  Gotta be those Withrow kids!
"and they were kicking my brother" ---wow, kicking, that's a BEAT DOWN--
"and some of those girls "---
 and then I hear it from Spen2 and his other buddy... LOUD and in tandem with incredulity
I'm sorry, I know I am terrible, but I laughed uncontrollably. Now here's the very funniest part of it all...after they said "GIRLS???!!" in sync, neither of those boys said another word... with the diplomacy of future presidents, they just turned and looked out of the window as if it hadn't been said...
THAT was even funnier.

Monday, March 18, 2013

From the Spen2 archives

Since the boy is out of town, I thought I would take the suggestion of one of my blogging mentors and relate some classic Spen2 funnies for you.   

Where to start? How about this classic.....

Spen2 had a severe speech impediment when he was younger.  He's advanced, gifted.  He's a genius with papers.  He started talking really early and had complex thought processes to express.  6 yr old brain 10 month old mouth, not a good match.  Couple that with an adoring family all too eager to translate for him, and you have got yourself a situation!

Almost everything in his vocabulary started with a T or a D.  At 11months he ate a fruit cup at TGI Fridays and declared to the waitress that it was Tan-tas-tic.  He had names for the girls ...Nikita was KiKi, makes sense.  Camille, on the other hand, was NuNu....we still don't know why. But, she answered to it.  Heck, we all started calling the child Nunu. 

By the time he was ready for preschool, it was pretty darned bad.  He would be frustrated if his translators weren't around and even more so when his translator missed the mark.  For instance, there was the time his aunt took him out for dinner and he wanted a Sprite, which to him was "Ray".  Everyone at the table was darned near in tears by the time Auntie reached me on the phone for the translation.

So, it's preschool time.  I take him with me to check out Mt Healthy Preschool-- as he had quit the previous school after ONE day because they made him take a nap.  We encounter Ms Brenna.  She notices his speech and mentions it to me.  I explain that he's been diagnosed but there is a waiting list for therapy through Children's.  She tells me he can receive Speech Therapy through the preschool.... And is FREE.  As a matter of fact, the preschool is free if he needs it.  She goes to get the Speech Therapist, who thinks I'm just trying to work the system to get free preschool.  She's quite skeptical.  She asks him to count to ten. And it went something like this:  ton' two, tree, tore, tive, tix, teven, tate, dine, ten.  The therapist first grinned then gave him the "sad eyes" like "poor baby".  Me, being ever prideful, couldn't stand the thought that this woman might think my baby wasn't bright... So I said Spen2, "do it again, this time in Spanish".... here we go:  toono, does, tres, twato, tinko, tace, tiete, toocho,  tueve, deis.  That prompted riotous laughter from the teacher and the therapist.  The therapist proclaimed it to be the cutest thing she ever saw, "but, we've gotta fix that".

Spen2 began preschool and, as is his nature, pretty much took it over.  He became a teacher's aide of sort.  It wasn't unusual for any new student to be assigned to Spen2 for mentoring.  Makes sense until the new student in visually impaired.  Spen2 comes home and tells me all about the new young lady in his class that can't "tee".  A few days go by and I ask him how things are going with the new girl.  He tells me things are not going well.  He keeps trying to show her the activity chart so she knows what to do when.... Me, "but Spencer' isn't she blind?"  He says he knows that, so he reads it to her too.... That's when it hit me, they have pairèd this little visually impaired girl with the little smart alleck, speech impediment boy..... That is tantamount to child abuse!  How was she supposed to know what he was saying she when he couldn't even point to it for her?!  I don't know about you but that made me giggle till I almost wet my pants!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Parting Glance...or not

So the boy and his comrades from the fifth grade at the fancy private school left for Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday morning.  It's always fun to watch other folks family dynamics.  Times like these I also see so clearly how different my son is.   One young man in the class has real issues being away  from home. As I take pics of Spen2 and his buddies for Facebook, this young lad's parental units are talking him in off the ledge.  Consoling him, cajoling him, telling him he was going to have fun, loving all up on the child. I asked Spen2 what was wrong with the kid.  Spen2's reply "Oh he's just like that, he gets real home sick."  Then Spen2 just goes right on talking to his boys like nothing has happened.   His classmate is coming apart at the seams, and no one is paying any attention to it.   That's a fancy private school for ya.  All that tolerance and diversity of thought.   Ha!  Who besides me is Old School???  That poor kid would have been dead meat at my elementary school!  I went to a private school too, it just wasn't fancy.  My Lord, we would have let that boy HAVE IT!   He would be a thirty year old man still having nightmares about the abuse he endured at the hands of his classmates in Virginia!  I make  mention to another parent that Spen2 has never been like that!  When I dropped him off at preschool on the first day he said good bye, hugged me and walked away.  A few minutes later he saw me hovering and said out of his mouth "Why are you still here?  You have to leave."

As the group departs, there are goodbyes all around.  The kids follow their teachers towards the security checkpoint.  I feel badly walking away without waiting for them to get through the security checkpoint and be out of view.... In case he happens to look back.... Yeah right.   So there I stand, with the parents of the regular kids as, one by one, their kids turned around just to make sure they weren't completely alone.  All of them from the traumatized kid to the fifth grade 'horn dog' eventually turned around

Side note:  the 'horn dogs' mother went running down the aisleway to give him a final hug when he turned around-- there is a therapist in that kid's not too distant future.

How does the story end? You think the boy turned and offered me an acknowledgement, a crooked smile, threw me deuces, somehing sweet and wry..... Heck no!  He walked through that security check point and never looked back.  I wouldn't have it any other way!   A future NBA, MLB, governor, president, pope, has sometimes got to walk this is good practice for him.:-)

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Recovery of 2013

As of last posting, you may recall that The Boy was sick.   Well, as it turns out, The Boy was S--I-C-K! Picked him up from the fancy private school on Tuesday and he admitted to being unable to go to Baseball Practice... yikes.. Hint number two, he was QUIET...oh my...Hint number three, cheeks were bright, Santa Clause, Red.  I took him to the 12yr Nurse Practitioner at The Little Clinic at Kroger in Hyde Park.  She followed instructions, gave a Rapid Strep -- Negative and a Rapid Flu -- Negative.  I had a sense of relief, she recommend rest and fluids.  He will be fine.  

Wednesday, I keep him home, because the fancy private school has a rule. You must be 24hr Fever Free to return to school.  I get it.  I follow directions.  I leave Spen2 at home with my mother for a day of rest, relaxation, Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup,  Family Feud, Gunsmoke and Andy Griffith.  What could be better for recovery?   I pick him up after work.   All is well.   Great, because we have a big agenda ahead. 
Thursday at school is the BIG 5th Grade Musical.  Its the show all young 'uns at the fancy private school anticipate all year long.  To see the Seniors (5th is the highest grade on this campus) romping about on stage is the traditional first sign of Spring at the fancy private school.   Spen2 has TWO roles in the production.   He has also done the choreography (required of the brown kid at the fancy private school) even though, well, lets just say he's an athlete. His maternal Grandmother can "dance" --well, she could dance well enough not to stand out at a party as a terrible dancer.  With the two artificial hips and one artificial knee, I would bet she could still hit 3 out of 4 Corners (google reference "THE FOUR CORNERS" a dance from the early 70's), but in this family, that's IT... we don't dance.  We are a more cerebral people. :)

Thursday after school is the Celebration of a Great Basketball Season for the 5th Grade Stingers (ALMOST won that 1st round tournament game--insert eye roll). I am to bring my "Grown Up Salad".  There will be Pizza and Cake and fun activities for the boys last hurrah!  This is the last basketball team many of them will ever play on (lets hope).  

Friday last day of school before Spring Break. 

Friday Night finish packing. Out for Spring Break Nikita's Home Celebration Dinner with family.

Saturday 5:45 am report to CVG Airport for a flight out to Colonial Williamsburg for the Spring Break Class Trip with the fancy private school 5th graders.  

So, back to Wednesday night.  Off to bed with a big dose of Golden Seal and Echinacea, double down on the vitamins, orange juice, Slippery Elm Bark tea and ibuprofen.  We should be GOLDEN.   I stay up, make that Grown Up Salad, and my special recipe Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette, refrigerate.  Ahhhh, sweet rest.  I have to be on my A game for an 8:30am meeting.  Also need to somehow slip out to watch this 5th grade musical.  Then I need to clear my desk in anticipation of a 3 day vacation.  The Boy is going to be out of town, it's going to be all about ME!

Thursday morning, I wake up, primp, preen then put on my Power Suit (so everyone will know I am not to be messed with today).  I put my pumps by the door. Then I proceed to wake up the Punkin Baby... Touch him and his like FIRE!  FIRE ...OK, thought I would drop that Ohio Players piece in because that's what was going in my head! 

FEVER 102.7. This is a situation.   Fall back!  Fall back!  What's Plan B?  Heck, I didn't have one.   Off to see the great Camille Crawford MD at Premiere Pediatrics.  Camille Crawford was Spen2s very first pediatrician, she saw him in the hospital when he was born.  She gave him an official diagnosis of GREEDY at 16hrs old.  His primary, Dr. Bradley Jackson (the Alpha man himself) is off on Thursdays, so Dr Crawford graciously agreed to see him.  The Summary of Dr Crawford's findings:

#1 Don't ever take your a@@ back to a Little Clinic....just DON'T do it.  Call us.  Quit trying to out think everybody

#2 This kid has Bronchitis.

#3  This kid has Influenza B.... I don't care what her "little test" at the "little clinic" said.

#4 This kid has the Tri-fecta of illness... he also has a Sinus Infection.  

#5 If you have paid for the child to go to Williamsburg, by gosh, he is GOING to Williamsburg! I LOVE THIS WOMAN!!!

So we have a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C to get this child well in order to board a plane on Saturday Morning.  None of these plans involve a  mom in a power suit.  None of these plans involve a kid on a stage.  None of these plans involve a Basketball Team celebration. 

Here I sit at the kitchen table to tell the story of the Miraculous Recovery of 2013.  Last night consisted of:
Mommas Hot Toddy with Fresh Grated Ginger, Lemons, Honey, Pomegranate Tea, Slippery Elm Bark (and for the momma 2shots of Hennessey)
A Steamy Bath followed by a Vicks Vapor Rubdown
Sleep under 2 blankets and comforter with Long Johns
2 rounds of antibiotics
2 rounds of antivirals
2 kinds of inhalers
1600 mg of ibuprofen
2 anointings with oil
1 hands laying on healing worthy of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker... I was calling those virus/bacteria OUT of my Baby
Lots and lots of prayers by friends, school mates, team mates, doctor, nurses and family

The fever broke at 3:30 am. 

We are GOING to Williamsburg! 

I am GOING TO BED~  after I pack all of this stuff the fancy private school requires him to bring...get the meds together that he will need with him, take him to get a haircut so he doesn't look like a Foosa  theres a picture for those of you that didn't happen to see the movie Madagascar 126 times, like me...

That, ladies and gentleman, is the GREAT RECOVERY OF 2013

PS...will post recipes for items in orange AFTER I recover from the great recovery!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Punkin Baby is Sick

Oh no! Not the creepy crud!  I picked The Boy up from the fancy private school this evening and he comes to the car with a friend that I told him years ago was unwelcome in my house.... DA Cooties.  No sir I don't care for that freeloader.  Comes all up in your house uninvited, upsets the routine, makes a mess and doesn't want to leave!  He's dirty, always leaving a trail of bodily fluids and used Kleenex. He's lazy, won't do a thing for himself.  Most significantly, he does not understand the boundaries of personal space!   So sad.  I could tell Spencer didn't want him to follow him to the car... But he couldn't shake that DA
I went immediately  into Granny Clampitt mode and headed the Natural Foods store for Golden Seal and Slippery Elm Bark. At this point The Boy volunteers to stay out from Baseball practice .... this is serious.... Wonder should I call an ambulance?
We end up going to the Little Clinic at Kroger. The 12 year old Nurse Practitioner follows directions well. She does a Rapid Strep and a Rapid Flu-- nothing so dangerous as a mother of a patient whose sister is a nurse... We know everything. Don't let me mess around and check,  I'll have them run a test for the Bubonic Plague.
Its just DA Cootie. Simple virus. Rest and fluids.
But you all know the real deal. This is just a cover. Next time you see Spen2 will be after you see WHITE SMOKE! Have you voted today? LOL

Monday, March 11, 2013

This is how the operating instructions for all new electronics should read. "Open box/carton carefully. Remove device gently. Hand device over to a child under 14. Walk away. Return after your device has been synced' charged, ice cream sandwiched, apps downloaded etc. No sense me getting myself all worked up. "Spencer!"

From the Pool to the Papacy

Those of you that know The Boy (that would be my 10 year old, genius son, Spencer Craig Boyd II or "Spen2") today's Boy Story won't be too surprising. 

The Back Story:  I was raised Catholic.  However, for some time now, I have been non-denominational.   The Boy has been raised in a church that has more Baptist traditions than anything. 

Last week, on our 20 minute morning commute to the fancy private school, I began a conversation with him about the day's news and the Pope's resignation.   I surmised from his blank stare that I had somehow, over the last 10 years, failed to teach him anything about the Catholic Church.   I can't have the boy show up as the fancy private school completely oblivious to such a major World event.   So, I quickly went into training mode.  Take my phone, Google "Apostles Creed". Okay, got it? That's the foundation of the Church. 

Spen2 "How is that different from our church?"
Me "I am not entertaining questions right now... just follow along..."

Then I relate the church to a corporation like Wal-Mart.  A Priest is the Store Manager... Bishop... Cardinal.. all the way to Pope.  I tell him the Pope is the CEO.  I tell him the Pope is alleged to be more powerful that the President of the US.  I tell him that the Pope controls Billions if not Trillions in assets.  I tell him the Pope has a mansion and jewels and The Pope doesn't even walk, they carry him.

You see it coming, right???

Spen2 "I want to be the Pope." 

BOOM!  There it is.  You had to see it coming.   So, for those of you keeping notes,  that would make him the FIRST, African American,  Retired NBA, Retired MLB, Retired One Term Governor, Two Term President of the United States of America with an Olympic Gold in Swimming, Non Catholic (I guess we could fix that) Pope!  Go, Spen2.  Because I am his mom, and slightly crazy, I can see him riding around in that little Pope mobile now... I can see him rounding the bases after hitting a home run with the State Trooper security patrol all around him... I can hear the announcer now "Batting Fourth in the Clean up position, your starting pitcher, Governor Spencer Boyd"... crowd goes wild!

Now, that's FUNNY... but this is even funnier.  

Last night -when I was REALLY cranky from the entire weekend at the swim meet-  I was carrying on about some parent at the "fancy private school" that clearly thought she was in charge of everything!  I was on a rant. 
"I suppose when she walks in we should all genuflect." My son, ever the supportive child, piles on.  He says, "yeah mom, who does she think she is? The Pimp".  Screech... What the??   I love the pile on, but I was confused. 

"The Pimp?" 
"Yeah, remember you told me about him last week.  Hes in charge of the Catholic Church." 
"Oh, son, you mean The Pope.  Please don't say Pimp again."

Just gave myself my own penance... saying Hail Marys through lunch then I will start with The Lords Prayer.  Somebody PLEASE light a candle, lest we both BURN!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Five Words for Ya

Five words....I'M-- STILL-- AT --THE --POOL! Cheerleader mom is quickly morphing into cranky a@@, gotta be at work in the morning, haven't done any laudry, what the heck are we going to eat for dinner?.. Is that milk spoiled?...Will the boy DIE from the spoiled milk if I give it to him? ...Do I have enough gas to make it to work without stopping tonight?...Can I make this hair work tomorrow?...Where is his baseball gear bag for practice tomorrow?... He probably won't go to the Olympics so why don't I make him quit swimming anyway?...I freaking HATE this place...Mom. ...Hmm, not quite as cute.   Maybe even a tiny bit scary.