So, the last 30 hours...
Spen2 spent the night at my sisters (you know, the RN?? Cheryl Wilson)... because he was out late with friends at Kings Island and got dropped off there at 10:30pm. He awakens with an EARACHE... huh? This kid is a healthy as an ox...unless there's something big going on... guess what? There's something BIG going on. You see, he'd been invited to go on vacation to Lake Sunapee in NH with a friend from school. Eight days on the lake boating, fishing, swimming... just paradise... flight leaves at 1:30pm...TODAY. The NURSE suggests we take him to the doctor --to be safe. I'm at work. My mother takes him to the doctor ... he's put on antibiotics as a precaution and given ear drops...he's going to be okay... MAY have infection but he can fly...its all good. Mom gets him on the drugs right away... I pick him up last evening...he's OK...he says it still hurts but otherwise he feels fine. Feed him, medicate him, put him to bed for a good nights rest. He's going to be great in the morning, right? WRONG! Wake him up at 7 to give him the meds so he can lay back down after... HES in P-A-I-N.... he's in tears...he tells me I need to call the family he's going on vacation with and tell him he cant make it.... Did I mention that THEY picked up ALL of the expenses.... YIKES...that's horrible. BUT if I send him and he gets worse, I'm going to be on an expensive last minute flight to New Hampshire to get my boy.... Where is New Hampshire anyway...can you drive there? Is it an island? Don't you have to take a boat to get there? Anyway. I don't even have time to go all Granny Clampitt and make an Onion Poultice....or a Garlic paste... I call the doctor. He's not panicked until I remind him that he has a FLIGHT...and I am not even going on the trip. LONG STORY SHORT.... ER at Children's Hospital Liberty Township is the BOMB! Dr. Bradley Jacksons Pediatrics is the BOMB...Drugs are AMAZING... The family he is travelling with is THE BOMB.... I am going to take a nap...then I am going to post KID FREE WEEK is the BOMB... maybe a nap and some anxiety medication.. THANK YOU GOD... cant believe another miracle healing pulled off!